
sabah - SAARC Business Association for Home based Workers. There are 50 million home based workers (HBW's) in the South Asia region, most of whom are women.

Their home is their workplace. Although this substantive section of the workforce contributes more than 60% to the national and subsequently to the global economy, they remain invisible, underpaid and with little hope for their future.

One way out of poverty is by linking them directly with the market. This increases their earnings, their skills and their visibility.

sabah, an initiative to strengthen home based women producers of all South Asian Countries was initiated by the SAARC Secretariat in 2008 in association with Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) and Home Net South Asia (HNSA). It offers a space for the home based workers to collectively organize and manage their work through an effective supply chain and access to mainstream markets.

The model works towards creating self-sustained business organisations owned and managed by home based workers. It upgrades the inherited skill of home based workers through exposure to mainstream market, capacity building and enhanced production techniques. The process enables them to develop high quality marketable goods and services.

The emphasis is on the utilization of the natural resource base and the encouragement of local skills that harness indigenous knowledge into the making of innovative products having contemporary application.

sabah products are available at
5, Rajiv Gandhi Handicraft Bhavan Baba Kharak Singh Marg Cannaught
Place, New Delhi 110001
Tel: +91-11-32489374
8, Chandan Complex Above Mirch Masala Restaurant Cannaught
C.G. Road, Ahmedabad 380009
Tel: +91-79-26405784
kupundole, opposite Hotel Himalaya Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: +977- (0)15547095
sabah Bhutan Handicrafts
Craft Bazaar - Stall No. 46, Chubachhu, Opposite BDBL, Norzin Lam, Post Box 1634
Thimphu, Bhutan
TFC, Main office-Building-Building No.9 Above Yangchenphug High School Post Box 1634, Thimpu, Bhutan Tel: +975-2-336745